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Dr. Matthias' outgoing speech

Michael Matthias

Here we are again. Two years ago I stood here addressing the members of Delaware AGD with my exit speech as President, ready to ride off into the sunset, until, in the immortal words of “Al Pacino as the Godfather Michael Corleone--- “Just When I thought I was out, They pull me back in”.

Tom, Don’t let me down! I don’t want to hear that, you too, got nominated to serve on the state board of dentistry and can no longer be the incoming DeAGD President.

For those of you who don’t know me, My name is Michael Matthias, and I had been your Delaware AGD president since 2019, which seems like a life time ago, before any of us had a clue what a Pandemic was or how disruptive it could be in our lives.

I thank you all for coming out this evening for our annual business meeting and elections and a wonderful live presentation by Dr. Greeley on Cleft Palates. We will take information out of this presentation and incorporate into our practices. If it works like the AGD is designed, you will talk to your peers tonight and share ideas and might pick up some little nugget or two to help you succeed in dentistry.

Not only do we learn from our speakers from the CE content, but we learn by interacting with our fellow AGD dentists. We share what work for us and what does not. Connections are made and we have opportunities to spend time together. This is what the AGD is all about!

This month marks the 30 year anniversary of my graduation from Dental school. Other than my personal drive and passion for my profession, I attribute the CE opportunities and interaction with my peers with AGD as the single most reason that I excelled over the basic minimums taught at dental school.

In my early days as a practicing dentist in Pennsylvania, the leadership of the AGD was very strong and programs were in place and I took advantage of those opportunities to achieve my Fellowship and onto my Mastership in 2006.

I am thankful for what the AGD did to make me the dentist who I am today. That is the reason why I serve and give countless hours of volunteering and for all I have been given. I know in my heart that I have received back more than I can ever give back to the AGD.

Guiding the Delaware AGD through the dark days of the Pandemic and returning us to a state where we can offer continued live CE events to make us all better dentists has been my goal. I am pleased to leave you with a Website that will be a tool to allow communications to be more efficient than ever. Finding new leaders was another goal and you will see the results in the upcoming years.

There is no way I could have done what I accomplished without the help of my board:

Nick Russo---Thanks for showing me the ropes and being there for all our local meeting even though you had a full plate of commitments with your National AGD duties,

Laura Dougherty—Thank for all those duties as secretary. When you write up the notes from a meeting, it always makes me sound better than what took place as I enjoy reading the summary of the minutes. The behind the scenes work to record and process the CE goes unnoticed, and I acknowledge what you do.

Ed Weinstein —Being our treasurer all those years is amazing. I am not even allowed to write checks at home since I routinely fail to right up the memos and record them. Thank you for your continued service.

Pat Sweeney—Thank you for getting back into a leadership position long after your days as being president. You insights and editing of announcements are always “spot on”.

Tom Lanzilotti— I have come to rely on your technical savvy and for being my voice on the countless blasts that have been sent out. Every massage that comes form me goes through your hands and your creativity with the graphics enhances my messaging. You are going to led us to new heights and I am there for you for any assistance you need.

Our new Leaders, Sattar and Zee---- you have stepped up and will be part of this evolving board and your contribution will make us better.

Every one of the commercial sponsors listed on our website helped us get our live CE back on track starting last Fall. We are thankful for what they contributed and hope to have their support in the future.

My staff was able to come to this event. I think it was mostly to see Dr. Greeley’s presentation, if not, the OPEN bar. I would like to thank you for all you help at the office especially on CE days or meeting days when not only do you have to tend to our patients, but make copies, help edit speeches or pick the right shirt color for me to wear and possibly deal with extra crankiness.

Lastly, my wife Sharon, You always give me space to do my job. You never complain when you have to move that bedtime up from 8:30 to 7:30 all clear the living room so I can take a zoom call. I can’t begin to image the loneliness you endured on the weekends when I attended those meetings in Chicago for the AGD. This fall you need not be alone on House of Delegates weekend---Lucky for you! Thanks for all your support.

For those of you in the audience sitting here today, I ask, What has this profession given to you? And what have you gotten from the AGD? It doesn’t take up too much time to be on a simple committee, to help our leaders keep this organization moving forward. Consider giving back by offering a hand. I promise you too, will get back more than you give.

It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as your DeAGD President.

Thank you,

Michael D. Matthias



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